
“We don’t begin every new sentence in a conversation by restating our names, so why would you bombard people with your company logo on every slide?”

Garr Reynolds


"If you were to ask recently hired Amazon employees about what has surprised them most at the company, one response would top the list: 'The eerie silence in the first 20 minutes of many meetings.' After a brief exchange of greetings and chitchat, everyone sits at the table, and the room goes completely silent. Why? A six-page document that everyone reads before discussion begins. Amazon relies far more on written words to develop and communicate ideas than most companies, and this difference makes for a huge competitive advantage."

Colin Bryar and Bill CarrWorking Backwards: Inisghts, Stories, and Secrets from Inside Amazon, 2021

How to Speak so People Really Listen: The Straight-Talking Guide to Communicating with Influence and Impact

Paul McGee