Oracle Wallet






Ensure WALLPATH is setDefine the DGSID array (see later)
NOTE: if you want to use different wallets (e.g. for different scripts) then you can use an alternate SQLNET.ORA by setting the TNS_ADMIN variable.
NOTE: the wallet does not have to be called "wallet". If you use a different name then make sure the SQLNET.ORA reflects the alternative name.

 Wallet Management

Create Wallet

export WALLPATH=/home/${USER}/wallet

mkdir -p ${WALLPATH}

mkstore -wrl "${WALLPATH}" -create

Wallets can be copied to different machines, which can represent a security risk. In 11g Release 2, you can prevent the auto login functionality of the wallet from working if it is copied to another machine by creating a local wallet using the "orapki" command, instead of the "mkstore" command...

orapki wallet create -wallet "${WALLPATH}" -auto_login_local

NOTE: with there appears to be a bug (22505635) that results in: "ORA-12578: TNS:wallet open failed" if an auto_login_local wallet is created with the version of orapki. The workaround is to use the version of orapki (if available) however in initial testing, this does not appear to work. Alternatively use -auto_login instead of -auto_login_local and use other methods to prevent the wallet being copied to another server. See:

Delete Wallet

mkstore -wrl "${WALLPATH}" -delete

Credential Management

Create Credentials

mkstore -wrl "${WALLPATH}" -createCredential TNS_ALIAS DB_USER 


mkstore -wrl "${WALLPATH}" -createCredential ORCL1 SYS

NOTE: You can pass the password on the command line but this is discouraged as it will show up in the shell history. If you do not pass it you will be prompted for it.
NOTE: In a Data Guard environment setting up a wallet containing the SYS password for each database avoids issues with rman (e.g RMAN-06820).

View Credentials

mkstore -wrl "${WALLPATH}" -listCredential

Each entry has an "index" number that can be used in the commands below to extract more information. In the example below the index is "17".

mkstore -wrl "${WALLPATH}" -viewEntry

mkstore -wrl "${WALLPATH}" -viewEntry

mkstore -wrl "${WALLPATH}" -viewEntry

Modify Credentials

mkstore -wrl "${WALLPATH}" -modifyCredential TNS_ALIAS DB_USER 

Delete Credentials

mkstore -wrl "${WALLPATH}" -deleteCredential TNS_ALIAS

Credentials for Data Guard Broker

Linux (bash)


AIX (ksh)


Before Data Guard Broker is configured...

for SID in ${DGSID[@]}


  mkstore -wrl ${WALLPATH} -createCredential ${SID} SYS


You will be prompted for the SYS password and the Wallet password for each entry

After Data Guard Broker is configured...

For dgmgrl we need to use the "StaticConnectIdentifer" in place of the TNS_ALIAS...

Note that these steps will not work until the Broker has been enabled

for SID in ${DGSID[@]}


  dgm="'show database ${SID} StaticConnectIdentifier'"

  crd=$(echo ${dgm} | xargs dgmgrl -silent /@${SID} | tail -1 | awk '{ print substr($3,2,length($3)-2) }' )

  mkstore -wrl ${WALLPATH} -createCredential ${crd} SYS


You will be prompted for the SYS password and the Wallet password for each entry

When the SYS password changes you should do this...

for SID in ${DGSID[@]}


  echo ${SID}

  mkstore -wrl ${WALLPATH} -modifyCredential ${SID} SYS

  dgm="'show database ${SID} StaticConnectIdentifier'"

  echo ${dgm}

  crd=$(echo ${dgm} | xargs dgmgrl -silent /@${SID} | tail -1 | awk '{ print substr($3,2,length($3)-2) }' )

  mkstore -wrl ${WALLPATH} -modifyCredential ${crd} SYS


You will be prompted for the SYS password and the Wallet password for each entry


To remove these entires from the Wallet you can use...

for SID in ${DGSID[@]}


  dgm="'show database ${SID} StaticConnectIdentifier'"

  crd=$(echo ${dgm} | xargs dgmgrl -silent /@${SID} | tail -1 | awk '{ print substr($3,2,length($3)-2) }' )

  mkstore -wrl ${WALLPATH} -deleteCredential ${crd}


NOTE: In the Wallet needs to contain the identifier containing _DGB (not _DGMGRL) e.g.(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost)(PORT=1524))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME=orcl4_DGB)(INSTANCE_NAME=ORCL4)))

Certificate Management

Display Certificates

orapki wallet display -wallet ${WALLPATH}

Display Certificate Details

orapki wallet export -wallet ${WALLPATH} -dn 'fromDisplayCertSubject' -cert /tmp/DCGR.txt 

orapki cert display -cert /tmp/DCGR.txt -complete

or, for summary information...

orapki cert display -cert /tmp/DCGR.txt -summary

Load Key

orapki wallet import_private_key -wallet ${WALLPATH} -pvtkeyfile "privatekey.der"

Add a Certificate

Identity Certificate : is the certificate of the Server that client (Web Client for OHS and LDAP client for OID/OVD) connects to. – Toi import into wallet, you must use option -user_certTrust Certificate : is the certificate of the Certifying Authority (CA) that issued Identity Certificate. There could be multiple CAs in chain that issued the certificate. When you import Trust Certificate in to wallet, you must use option -trusted_cert . If there are multiple CAs in certificate chain then you must import all CA’s certificates with option -trusted_cert

orapki wallet add -wallet ${WALLPATH} -trusted_cert -cert "certificate.der"

Self-Signed SSL Certificate

WALLPATH assumed to be set in .profile







C="2 character country code"

orapki wallet create -wallet "${WALLPATH}" -auto_login

orapki wallet add -wallet "${WALLPATH}" -pwd ${WALLPWD} -dn "CN=${CN}, OU=${OU}, O=${O}, L=${L}, ST=${ST}, C=GB" -keysize 2048 -self_signed -validity 3650

Chain of Trust

Sometimes it's not enough to just load an Identity Certificate into an Oracle Wallet. It's likely that you will need to load some Trust certificates to complete the "chain of trust" required for the Identity Certificate to work. These Trust certificates are also referred to as Root certificates and Intermediate Certificates. A Root certificate is mandatory. Intermediate Certificates may or may not be required dependant on how the Certificate Authority created the Identity Certificate.

If you have a PKCS#12 keystore it may contain all the Trust certificates required. Sometimes though it may be assumed you already have the Trust certificates since many of them are built-in to popular browsers. If you find that you are loading Identity Certificates into something like Oracle Wallet where the Trust certificates may not exist and they are not included in your PKCS#12 keystore file (e.g. a .pfx file) then you can export the Root and Intermediate certificates from Windows and transfer them to your target server for loading into Oracle Wallet (or similar).

See also: The command "orapki wallet jks_to_pkcs12" fails with "No self-signed cert in chain" exception (Doc ID 1954053.1)

First, import your Identity Certificate (it makes it easier to identify the chain of trust)...

At a Windows command prompt (or in Search)...

Now export the chain of trust...

Copy all the files you just exported to your target server and load into Oracle Wallet (remembering to use -user_cert and -trusted_cert appropriately).


An Oracle Wallet is a PKCS#12 container used to store authentication and encryption keys. The Oracle database secure external password store feature stores passwords in an Oracle Wallet for password-based authentication to the Oracle database. The Oracle Wallet may also be used to store credentials for PKI authentication to the Oracle Database, configuration of network encryption (SSL/TLS), and Oracle Advanced Security transparent data encryption (TDE) master encryption keys. Strong authentication services (Kerberos, PKI, and RADIUS) and network encryption (native network encryption and SSL/TLS) are no longer part of Oracle Advanced Security and are available in all licensed editions of all supported releases of the Oracle database.

Oracle® Database Licensing Information 11g Release 2 (11.2)

Oracle Wallet / OpenSSL

An Oracle Wallet is actually just a PKCS#12 Keystore with a fixed name of ewallet.p12. As such it is possible to create an Oracle Wallet file without using the Oracle tools...

openssl pkcs12 -export -out ewallet.p12 -inkey server.key -in server.crt -chain -CAfile caCert.crt -passout pass:passout

Where passout is the password for the newly created wallet
