
SSH Daemon


You can confirm that the ssh daemon is running using this command on Linux and AIX...

systemctl status sshd

For simpler output you could use...

ps -ef | grep sshd


sudo systemctl start ssh 


sudo systemctl stop ssh


ssh -V

apt list --installed | grep  openssh-server

apt list --installed | grep  openssh-client



On Linux ssh is shipped in two packages. openssh-server installs the daemon (sshd) and openssh-client installs the client (ssh). There is a third package that gets automatically installed: openssh-sftp-server.


sudo apt install openssh-server


sudo apt install openssh-client

In recent Ubuntu versions the client is installed by default but the server is not


ssh hostname [command]

To suppress any messages that may be set to display on connection use...

ssh -q hostname [command]

To show debugging information...

ssh -v hostname [command]

NOTE: If you omit [command] you will be logged in to the shell on the target server, otherwise the command will run and the ssh session will end.

SSH Forwarding/Tunnelling (Linux)

The ssh-agent tends to be already running for Ubuntu sessions. If it is not running, start it using...

Note: Consider adding this to your .bash_profile or .profile (as appropriate)...

eval $(ssh-agent)

To avoid starting a new process every time you connect, you should also add this (which will kill ssh-agent at logout)...

trap 'test -n "$SSH_AGENT_PID" && eval $(/usr/bin/ssh-agent -k)' 0

Identify your key...

ssh-add -L

Add this key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on all hosts, including any Bastion (jump-box) server, that you will access.

For AWS, if you have followed the documentation on this site, your keys should already be there. If you are configuring access for someone else you may still need to add them.

Add your key to the ssh agent. 

If you are not on the server where you created this key initially then copy it to .ssh under your home directory first.

cd ~/.ssh

ssh-add $(whoami).pem

For AWS, use the PEM file from the EC2 Key Pair. 

ssh-add -L

The key should be there

To delete the identity from the agent after 60 seconds...

ssh-add -t 60

To delete all identities from the agent...

ssh-add -D

Create an ssh config file...

This example is for an AWS installation of Jira and Confluence

# Bastion

Host bbb.bbb.bbb.bbb

   ForwardAgent yes

   User ec2-user

# Server1


   ProxyCommand ssh -A ec2-user@bbb.bbb.bbb.bbb -W %h:%p

   User ec2-user

# Server2


   ProxyCommand ssh -A ec2-user@bbb.bbb.bbb.bbb -W %h:%p

   User ec2-user

Where:bbb.bbb.bbb.bbb is the Bastion (Jump) IP address111.111.111.111 is the IP address of server1222.222.222.222 is the IP address of server2ec2-user is the login user on each server

You should now be able to connect directly to any of the servers using the variables containing the IP addresses or the IP addresses themselves...

ssh username@${JumpIP}

ssh username@${TargetIP[0]}

ssh username@${TargetIP[1]}

If you omit username shh will attempt to connect with your current username.

Port Forwarding


ssh -L

ssh -R


All configuration is held under the .ssh subdirectory of the home directory of each user. e.g.


Private/Public Key File

(default: id_rsa/


This is a private key with the default name. This should only be accessible by the user who owns it (in this example, 'oracle'). 


This is a public key with the default name. Copy the contents of this file to the authorized_keys file on another server to allow ther holder of the associated private key to connect without requiring a password .

If you need to generate a private key/public key pair (where mykey.pem will be the file containing the private key):

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 3072 -f mykey.pem

Note that the RSA signing algorithm is the default. However, it's good practice to specify it, just in case the default changes.Minimum key size is 1024 bits, default is 3072 and maximum is 16384.

To generate the public key file from an existing private key file...

ssh-keygen -y -f mykey.pem > $HOME/.ssh/

Convert PPK to PEM

If you are sent a private key in PPK format (e.g. I was sent a PPK file to access a training environment in OCI) but you want to connect via a native Linux terminal rather than via PuTTY... You can use these steps to convert the key.

puttygen mykey.ppk -O private-openssh -o mykey.pem

chmod 400 mykey.pem

Convert PEM to PPK

If you want to do this then I assume you already have PuTTY installed on a Windows machine, In which case, this is easy...

Includes instructions for installing putty-tools on Linux.



If a key entry in the authorized_keys file on a serverA matches the public key of serverB then you can ssh to serverA from serverB without entering a password.

On Linux you can add keys to a remote authorized_keys file using this command (it does not work on AIX)...

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ user@serverA



Whenever you connect to a host using ssh, a checksum gets added to the known_hosts file under the .ssh directory in the users home directory. If the checksum ever changes, ssh will give you a warning when you try to connect.


For a specific user...


Config inherited by all users...


Use this file for overriding command line defaults and for configuration where there is no command line option. For example, this line in the config file...


... is the same as this option on the command line...

ssh -o VisualHostKey=yes hostname

To make it easier to login to a host with an alternate user and ssh key, use something like this in you config file...

Host myserver

     User myuser

     IdentityFile ~/.ssh/mykey.pem


Having a passphrase makes the use of ssh more secure but can cause issues if you want to run automated scripts that connect to other servers without intervention. To remove/set a passphrase use...

ssh-keygen -p

Windows SSH

SSH is implemented as standard in Windows Server 2016 and later and Windows 10 (Build 1809) and later.

Check (Powershell)

Get-WindowsCapability -Online | ? Name -like 'OpenSSH*'

Alternative ssh Clients


For extra information about your ssh session use the -v, -vv, or -vvv command line options.

(-vvv gives the highest level of detail).

Key Checks

Tunnelling/SSH Agent Forwarding (Native SSH Port Forwarding (Tunneling) on Windows 10) (An Illustrated Guide to SSH Agent Forwarding) (Hash Visualization: a New Technique to improve Real-World Security  - Perrig & Song)
AWS EC2 Instance Connect