EC2 Command Line Access

There are several ways to connect to EC2 instances...

Access via the Connect button on the EC2 Instances console page
Access via the Connect button on the EC2 Instances console page

Session Manager

This assumes the amazon-ssm-agent service is running.

By default it should be. You will get an error on the console page if the agent is not running.

Login to an ssh session via another method (e.g. ssh tunnel)....

ec2-user is fine (or any other account with the ability to sudo)

sudo systemctl status amazon-ssm-agent

If the agent shows as 'dead' you can restart with...

sudo systemctl restart amazon-ssm-agent

Initial Setup

Open Systems Manager Quick Setup

Choose options as required. To just enable SSM, the only tickbox you should need to select is shown in the screenshot....


SSH client
