IBM Systems Director
IBM Systems Director has been removed from marketing and was scheduled to reach end of service in April 2018
NOTE: This documentation is almost certainly incomplete and may not be accurate but is provided in the hope that it may help someone who finds old IBM Systems Director processes running on their AIX server
To check if CIM and Agent components are running on an AIX system...
ps -ef | grep nonstop
lssrc -s platform_agent
ps -ef | grep slp_srvreg
ls -l /opt/ibm/director/agent/runtime/agent/bin/
ls -ltr /var/opt/tivoli/ep/logs
To stop the Agent and CIM processes on an AIX system...
/opt/ibm/director/agent/runtime/agent/bin/ stop
stopsrc -s platform_agent
stopsrc -s cimssys
ps -ef | grep slp_srvreg
Kill any running slp_srvreg process>/var/opt/tivoli/ep/logs/nonstopbundle.log
To start the Agent and CIM processes on an AIX system...
startsrc -s platform_agent
/opt/ibm/director/agent/runtime/agent/bin/ start
/opt/freeware/cimom/pegasus/bin/slp_query --type=*
Shows SLP registrationsSee also: smstart