innotop --version
yum install innotop
To connect as 'root', prompt for the password, using the socket file in /mysql/data/mysql.sock with a 1 second refresh rate...
innotop -u root --askpass --socket /mysql/data/mysql.sock --delay 1
The default socket is: /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
The default delay is: 10 seconds
When innotop is running hit "?" for help
Switch to a different mode:
A Dashboard I InnoDB I/O Info Q Query List
B InnoDB Buffers K InnoDB Lock Waits R InnoDB Row Ops
C Command Summary L Locks S Variables & Status
D InnoDB Deadlocks M Replication Status T InnoDB Txns
F InnoDB FK Err O Open Tables U User Statistics
a Toggle the innotop process k Kill a query's connection
c Choose visible columns n Switch to the next connection
d Change refresh interval p Pause innotop
e Explain a thread's query q Quit innotop
f Show a thread's full query r Reverse sort order
h Toggle the header on and off s Change the display's sort column
i Toggle idle processes x Kill a query
TAB Switch to the next server group / Quickly filter what you see
! Show license and warranty = Toggle aggregation
# Select/create server groups @ Select/create server connections
$ Edit configuration settings \ Clear quick-filters
innotop for MySQL 8.0 and later
If you see this...
localhost PROCESSLIST_NO_IS: DBI connect(';mysql_socket=/mysql/mysql.sock;mysql_read_default_group=client','root',...) failed: Authentication plugin 'caching_sha2_password' cannot be loaded: /usr/lib64/mysql/plugin/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory at /bin/innotop line 7775.
You are using a version of innotop that does not support the caching_sha2_password plugin.
As a workaround, you can set the user to use the old mysql_native_password plugin (but this is not recommended).
The innotop version that includes MySQL 8.0 support is 1.12.0 (released in November 2018). However this still depends on you having perl-DBD-MySQL that has been linked with or later, or or later.
Check using...
ldd /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/auto/DBD/mysql/ | grep 'mysql\|maria'