
The dbupgdiag.sql script is intended as a Pre-Upgrade diagnostic...


NOTE: This script is available for download from Oracle Support Note: 556610.1. It should be staged in /u01/dba/upg on the Local Management Server for installation on all UNIX Oracle database servers. If you are not using a Local Management Server then download from Oracle directly to /u01/dba/upg on the target server. You should check periodically to ensure a newer version has not been released.

As 'oracle' on the target server, refresh the version from the Local Management Server using:

scp -pr ${PATCH_SERVE}:/u01/dba/upg/dbupgdiag.sql .


Login as 'oracle' with your current version environment set.

cd /u01/dba/upg

sqlplus / as sysdba

alter session set nls_language='American';

