SS RACON Functions

RAnge-based CONditional functions 


Counting Cells by Condition


Count all the cells between T3 and T348 that match the value in S350. The $ signs enable you to drag this formula down so that the next row counts all the cells between T3 and T348 that match the value in S351.

Counting Cells by multiple Conditions


Count all the cells in a subset of column V where the value is "V" and the value for the corresponding row in column DI is "6".

Summing Cells by Condition


SUM all values in cells between V3 and V351  where the value in the corresponding (same row) cell in column A matches the value in Y355. 
Use of "$" means that lookup will always take place against A3:A351, summed rows will be in the range 3:351 but the column summed will change as the formula is moved to cells left or right and the lookup key will change as the formula is moved to cells above or below.

Sum for each row based on whether the header is F (forecast) or A (actual)....

We can use this formula in B6, drag it in to C6 then drag down to fill range B6:C15...


We are using the key (F or A) held in B16 and B17
