SELECT version
FROM v$timezone_file;
SELECT tz_version
FROM registry$database;
SELECT property_name, SUBSTR(property_value, 1, 30) value
FROM database_properties
WHERE property_name LIKE 'DST_%'
ORDER BY property_name;
During a database upgrade the timezone is sometimes be ugraded automatically. If you need to upgrade manually, follow these steps...
NOTE: Updating the Timezone causes a database outage.
It is recommneded to perform Timezone updates during the same outage window as database Upgrades or Patching.
This assumes you are using a Local Management Server and have staged the appropriate zip file as described in Note: 1585343.1 mkdir -p /u01/img/timezone
scp -pr ${PATCH_SERVE}:/u01/img/timezone/DBMS_DST_scriptsV1.9.zip /u01/img/timezone
cd /u01/img/timezone
unzip DBMS_DST_scriptsV1.9.zip
cd /u01/img/timezone/DBMS_DST_scriptsV1.9
(Optional) Identify quantity of timezone data
You can get an idea of the amount of work the upgrade needs to do by running...
sqlplus / as sysdba
Large amounts of timezone related data could slow down the upgrade... refer to 1585343.1 for tips on how to address this, if necessary.
Run pre-req check script
This script needs no downtime, and can be executed on a live production database but it WILL purge the dba_recyclebin...
sqlplus / as sysdba
Upgrade Timezone Data
NOTE: This script will automatically restart the database twice WITHOUT any confirmation or prompt
sqlplus / as sysdba
Updating the RDBMS DST version in 11g Release 2 ( and up) using DBMS_DST (Doc ID 977512.1)