Remote Working


Try starting your remote workday by taking 15 minutes to plan your day, either at home or with a short morning walk.
In Germany, the Feierabend is a daily evening celebration marking the moment when work is switched off for the day — often accompanied by a hearty German beer.
Time reserved for work that is highly important, but not urgent
Schedule active leisure activities after work.
Experiment with structuring your days and weeks in different ways


The potential downsides of WFH

The key points from a Boston Globe article (1) with some of my personal feelings on the topic...

There is some truth in this but... not all communication is "good" communication... some of it is gossip and mood hoovering. If you WFH you need to take responsibility for making sure you are not excluded or forgotten. If you can't do this then consider whether WFH is right for you.

My personal experience during the Covid-19 lockdowns is that the "vulnerability loop" is more prevalent over Teams (certainly for IT people). There is other evidence suggesting that people are more likely to "share" in a typed chat than face-to-face.

This assumes everyone is the same. If you give it proper thought, you know if WFH is bad for you. If it's not, don't worry about it too much. The author is comparing excercise (in this case lifting weights), which is generally a good thing, with commuting, which isn't great for us (deep vein thrombosis anyone?) or the environment. The time saved by avoiding a commute gives us opportunity to excercise more. Psychologically there is some evidence that we will act more professionally if we dress more professionally. If you need an "accountability partner" to motivate you to dress appropriately for the office (home, or otherwise) then consider whether WFH is right for you.

For some people it's as easy to "belong" from a distance as it is to "belong" in an office environment. I've worked for companies where teams have been spread across the world and I have still felt I belong. More so than to other teams based in the same office.

Some other points raised by a Medium article called, "The dark side of remote work no one talks about" (2)...

Original points in italics followed by my interpretation of the original discussion.

Bibliography & References