Oracle Patch Download


Download RU/OJVM Combo from Oracle

NOTE: Skip this step if the Patch has already been downloaded to the Local Management Server.

Download the patch from Oracle and place the zip file in /u01/img/${PTAR} on your Local Management Server.

The patch number is ${PCOM}

Download RU/OJVM Combo from Local Management Server

NOTE: If you are not using a Local Management Server then download the patch directly from Oracle and place the zip file in /u01/img/${PTAR} on the target server.

mkdir -p /u01/img/${PTAR}

scp -pr ${PATCH_SERVE}:/u01/img/${PTAR}/p${PCOM}_${PTAR}_${P_OS}.zip /u01/img/${PTAR} 

NOTE: For servers where connection to ${PATCH_SERVE} on port 22 is blocked by a firewall...

Run the command below, then cut & paste the output to a putty session running as 'oracle' on ${PATCH_SERVE}...

echo "scp -pr /u01/img/${PTAR}/p${PCOM}_${PTAR}_${P_OS}.zip $(hostname):/u01/img/${PTAR}"

Unzip RU/OJVM Combo

cd /u01/img/${PTAR}

find . -name "p${PCOM}_${PTAR}_${P_OS}.zip" -exec $ORACLE_HOME/bin/unzip {} \;

rm p${PCOM}_${PTAR}_${P_OS}.zip