APEX Application Migration

Schema Migration

To Migrate a Schema used by an APEX application from one Database Instance to another...

 (it is slightly easier if the target tablespace name is the same as the source tablespace name)


To Migrate APEX Workspaces and Applications from one Database Instance to another...

Ensure JAVA Environment is appropriately set

Note: There appears to be a bug when using JDK 5 to run the export.Note: Use the correct version of apex utilities 

Identify Workspaces on Source database


set linesize 200

set pagesize 40

column workspace_id format 999999999999999999

column workspace format a30

SELECT workspace_id, workspace

FROM apex_workspaces

WHERE workspace != 'INTERNAL'

ORDER BY workspace_id;

Identify Applications on Source database


set linesize 200

set pagesize 40

column application_id format 999999999999999

column application_name format a60

column version format a12

column owner format a15

column workspace format a30

SELECT application_id, workspace, application_name, owner, version

FROM apex_applications

WHERE workspace != 'INTERNAL'

AND availability_status !='Unavailable'

ORDER BY application_id;

An alternate script covering all applications including internal and unavailable...


set linesize 200

set pagesize 40

column application_id format 999999999999999

column application_name format a60

column version format a12

column owner format a15

column availability_status format a30

column workspace format a30

SELECT application_id, workspace, application_name, owner, version, availability_status

FROM apex_applications

WHERE workspace != 'INTERNAL'

ORDER BY application_id;

Set Variables

Unless you are exporting from a different instance, all variables except APPLID and SYSPWD should be set in your .profile.

export APXHST=$(hostname -s)      # Hostname of Source database

export APXPRT=9999                # Port of Source database

export APXSID=${ORACLE_SID}       # ORACLE_SID of Source database

export APXSYS=syspwd              # SYSTEM password of Source database

export APXAPP=999                 # Application ID of the application to be exported (not required for export of All)

export APXDIR=/u01/img/apex/18.1  # Installation Directory of Current version of APEX

 To see current settings use:

env | grep APX

NOTE: APEXExport cannot currently use an Oracle Wallet.

To export a specific application

cd ${APXDIR}

java oracle.apex.APEXExport -db ${APXHST}:${APXPRT}:${APXSID} -user system -password ${APXSYS} \

                            -applicationid ${APXAPP} -expPubReports -expSavedReports

To export all applications 

cd ${APXDIR}

java oracle.apex.APEXExport -db ${APXHST}:${APXPRT}:${APXSID} -user system -password ${APXSYS} -instance 

To export all Workspaces 

cd ${APXDIR}

java oracle.apex.APEXExport -db ${APXHST}:${APXPRT}:${APXSID} -user system -password ${APXSYS} -expWorkspace 

To see all arguments

cd ${APXDIR}

java oracle.apex.APEXExport


There is no APEXImport Utility. You need to import through the APEX front-end as a Workspace Administrator.