If your task requires an X Server...
You can use the server console (if the server happens to have an X11 capable console)
You can use X11 Tunnelling.
You can use VNC.
You can use XMing
VNC is recommended because it protects the task from network or client crashes.With VNC you can simply reconnect where you left off once the network or client issue is resolved.You can use SSH tunneling with VNC to make it more secure.Bear in mind the requirements of your choice of X Server when setting the DISPLAY environment variable.
Screen Resolution
To see connected screens and supported resolutions...
To change resolution...
xrandr --output DP-2 --mode 1680x1050
X11 Tunnelling
X11 tunnelling allows you to securely (using SSH) display and use a server X Window on your local PC.
Valid For
Servers where you cannot use VNC or a local X session.
Displays to PCs running a local X Server (e.g. XMing)
These instructions assume the following filesets have been installed on your target AIX system:
These instructions assume that your local X server is up and running.
To confirm it is listening on the default port (6000) use the following command at a Windows cmd prompt:
netstat -atn | findstr 6000
X11 Forwarding must be enabled in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
X11Forwarding yes
If you need to update sshd_config, remember to restart sshd:
stopsrc -s sshd; sleep 2; startsrc -s sshd
Enable X11 Forwarding in PuTTY (Connection - SSH - X11)
Connect to your target server.
Login as your normal user.
Check the setting of the DISPLAY environment variable.
Obtain your XAUTH cookie:
xauth list
su to your target user.
su - oracle
Export the DISPLAY variable.
export DISPLAY=localhost:10.0
Set your XAUTH Cookie.
xauth add servername/unix:10 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 792637ea6f19c96d4c5f7c5a71b9913c
Start your X apps
When creating/configuring/upgrading database using DBCA/DBUA at 11g release 2,DBCA/DBUA hung or did not respond after clicking "Finish" button Cause: X Client I was using was XMING, which had a kind of bug.Solution: After installing Xming complete font package (Xming-fonts-7-5-0-70-setup.exe), I could create database using DBCA, this problem exist with Xming at Linux or Unix enviromnets.