MEM Install
You have a Linux server on which to install MySQL Enterprise Monitor
You have a MySQL Enterprise Edition subscription
You will use the bundled MySQL server (you won't use an existing MySQL Server)
Service Manager Prerequisites
4 CPU Cores or more (minimum 2)
8 GB RAM or more (minimum 2)
Disk I/O subsystem to suit a write-intensive database (e.g. RAID10 or RAID0+1)
At least 1.3GB of storage space for Service Manager
At least 800MB of storage space for Agent
Sufficient storage space for the MySQL database
Time is synchronised across Service Manager and Agent nodes
Your Service Manager and Agent hosts use different SSH host keys
You must have the libaio and libnuma library files
ldconfig -p | grep libaio
ldconfig -p | grep libnuma
The Host must have a valid resolvable hostname
ping hostname
Create install directory
sudo mkdir -p /opt/mysql/enterprise/monitor/
Linux Date/Time
The libaio library provides the Linux-native API for async I/O. Install with...
sudo apt install libaio1
The libnuma library controls specific NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Architecture) scheduling or memory placement policies. Install with...
sudo apt install libnuma1
To install the Agent on Linux, you must have the Linux Standards Base (LSB) initialization functions installed
rpm -qa | grep -i lsb
dpkg -l | grep -i lsb
To install LSB:
yum install -y yum-utilsyum-config-manager --add-repo install redhat-lsb-coreService Manager Install
As 'root'...
cd to the directory where you unzipped the installation zip file
Installation Directory: /opt/mysql/enterprise/monitor
Tomcat Server Port: 18080
Tomcat SSL Port: 18443
User Account: mysqlmem
Use the bundled MySQL database
Repository Username: service_manager
Password: be sure to record this password securely
MySQL Database Port: 13306
MySQL Database Name: mem
From a browser connect to: https://yourhostname:18443
NOTE: It can take quite some time for MySQL Enterprise Monitor to become usable even after start is finished and status shows both MySQL and Tomcat as running. Using these commands can sometimes help monitor progress...
tail -f /opt/mysql/enterprise/monitor/apache-tomcat/logs/mysql-monitor-full.log
tail -f /opt/mysql/enterprise/monitor/apache-tomcat/logs/mysql-monitor.log
cat /opt/mysql/enterprise/monitor/configuration_report.txt
Here are the settings you specified:Application hostname and port: Ports: 18080 - 18443 (SSL)MySQL Port : 13306
Use the following command to login to the MySQL Enterprise Monitor database:mysql -u**** -p**** -P13306 -hlocalhost
cat /opt/mysql/enterprise/monitor/install.log