MEM Install

Select "Release" from the dropdown and enter "MySQL Enterprise Monitor" in the search box. Add the latest version to your download queue. When you "continue" you will prompted for the target OS (these instructions assume Linux x86-64)


You can install on other Operating Systems but that option is not covered by this documentation.

Service Manager Prerequisites

ldconfig -p | grep libaio

ldconfig -p | grep libnuma

ping hostname

sudo mkdir -p /opt/mysql/enterprise/monitor/

Linux Date/Time

The libaio library provides the Linux-native API for async I/O. Install with...

sudo apt install libaio1

The libnuma library controls specific NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Architecture) scheduling or memory placement policies. Install with...

sudo apt install libnuma1

rpm -qa | grep -i lsb

dpkg -l | grep -i lsb

To install LSB:

yum install -y yum-utilsyum-config-manager --add-repo install redhat-lsb-core

Service Manager Install

As 'root'...

cd to the directory where you unzipped the installation zip file


From a browser connect to: https://yourhostname:18443

Note that you do need to login as 'root' and run this. sudo ./mysqlmonitor...andsudo -u root -s ./mysqlmonitor...give warnings...No protocol specifiedNo protocol specifiedNo protocol specifiedNo protocol specifiedNo protocol specifiedNo protocol specifiedNo protocol specifiedWhilst...sudo su - root./mysqlmonitor...does not
This information is stored in:/opt/mysql/enterprise/monitor/apache-tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/ 

NOTE: It can take quite some time for MySQL Enterprise Monitor to become usable even after start is finished and status shows both MySQL and Tomcat as running. Using these commands can sometimes help monitor progress...

tail -f /opt/mysql/enterprise/monitor/apache-tomcat/logs/mysql-monitor-full.log

tail -f /opt/mysql/enterprise/monitor/apache-tomcat/logs/mysql-monitor.log


cat /opt/mysql/enterprise/monitor/configuration_report.txt

MySQL Enterprise Monitor (Version :
Here are the settings you specified:Application hostname and port: Ports: 18080 - 18443 (SSL)MySQL Port : 13306
Use the following command to login to the MySQL Enterprise Monitor database:mysql -u**** -p**** -P13306 -hlocalhost

cat /opt/mysql/enterprise/monitor/install.log
